Thursday, December 17, 2009


Sore knee. Didn't run for a week. Ran on the treadmill in gym for 3km. About as far as I could manage. Weight on gym scales 86.9Kgs.

So, lessons are: buy proper running shoes, run more frequently, run on treadmill till I get proper shoes.

That is all.


Grumpy post: Those bastards in the Government take money from the blind and their carers, cut the public service to shreds and then order a Dail holiday till 19 January. And they wonder why people are cynical about politicians. Scumbags.

As for Paul Gogarty: what a self-serving wanker.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


It is difficult to believe that a Government can take money from people with disabilities, from carers,from special education provision and can reduce a range of other benefits for the least well-off, and give it to the motor industry (to benefit Fiat, Toyota and BMW) and to the drinks industry, which have been ripping us off for years.

The Government pretty well left the private sector alone. No additional tax band, minor tinkering with tax reliefs, no raising of criminally low Corporation Tax.

What a bunch of scumbags.

More progress ...

4.4Kms (2.7 miles) last night. Longer periods running than last time. I discovered why one needs proper running shoes though. It's pretty hard on the knees.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Progress ...

... is being made. Today 2.4 miles (3.86Kms). Didn't run constantly but enough to do it in about half an hour. I'll need to run faster eventually because I really don't want to take 5 hours to do the marathon.

Weight about 87/88K. Not a good week for losing it. Letterkenny and Tralee. Restaurant food and a humungous sandwich on the train back from Tralee.

Today ...
